Sunday, October 18, 2009






Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Seven steps

All your pleasure and your pain thou will share with me,

for where you go, there I will be,

I take this FIRST step with you.

That I may protect our family with love, that I will love with a whole heart,

I take this SECOND step with you.

That we wash our minds clean of dust in the water of wisdom,

that we learn and trust together.

I take this THIRD step with you.

That we may let our joy and work lessen the suffering of others,

I take this FOURTH step with you.

That I tend to your every need and remain ever faithful to you,

I take this FIFTH step with you.

That we live within our means with spiritual wealth,

I take this SIXTH step with you.

That, with this blog as witness, you are my companion until death,

I take this SEVENTH step with you